Revival Fellowship COVID-19 Update
Meeting Management Operations Plan
Written: 17-03-2020
Authors: Pr C.Kernahan, Dr D.Barnett, G.Hockey, J.Welch
1) For the foreseeable future we will run a single Sunday and a single Wednesday meeting at the Main Hall. At
this time there will be no Creche, Sunday School, Bible Club, Coffee Shop or Tuck Shop/Canteen.
2) House meetings and other smaller meetings, including games nights, bible studies, Friday night meetings or
any other event run in the name of the fellowship, do not allow the degree of safe social distancing required
and are cancelled until further notice.
3) For people who choose to stay home and join online, the meeting will be live streamed with simple access.
4) If you or anyone you are living with/in your household is unwell with any respiratory symptoms at all (sore
throat, cough, sneezing or rhinorrhoea), please stay home and join us live stream.
5) For anyone with a chronic health condition, over 70, or concerned about their risk for any reason, we would
love you to join us on live stream.
6) Signs at the entrance: Are you and everyone who lives in your household well?
7) On arrival, everyone is to enter from a single main entrance. Ushers will be provided with a badge when on
duty and will check people are well and maintain 1.5m distance between family groups.
At the entrance there are hand sanitizing stations for everyone’s use prior to entering the venue.
8) Washroom facilities and all hand washing basins have government hand washing instructions posted to
assist with correct hygiene (Leviticus 15:10-12)
9) Communion: A new packet of biscuits opened and prepared with gloves and face shield/mask and disposable
cups used filled from a fresh bottle by someone with face shield/mask and gloves. Communion biscuits will
be handed out using a gloved hand and following the communion cup will also be placed in their hand.
10) Spiritual Gifts will operate, heard online through installed ambiance mics and roving mic/s handled by a
trained person/s.
11) The tithes bag will be carried around to each person by the communion servers but not handed to people to
pass along, where possible we encourage the use of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), details available.
12) Collection of communion cups by the communion servers, will go directly into buckets/bins and will be
disposed of.
13) No prayer line for laying on of hands. We will all be praying together for everyone’s needs. If anyone has
personal/urgent prayer needs, please speak to your Area Leader.
14) Baptisms will use fresh treated water for each baptism that takes place.
15) After the meeting, the Meeting Manager needs to man the microphone during fellowship to maintain 1.5m
social distancing.
16) The hall will be closed and a specially trained team will clean the hall between meetings to government
This is a time to stay at home, read your Bibles, some personal devotions, sing some choruses, listen to some talks.
Ring an unsaved friend, work colleague, family member and tell them what your fellowship is doing to help, ring
someone in the fellowship to say “Hello”.
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will
never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5)
Pr Chris Kernahan
Young Peoples
1) Will be able to meet in the Atrium once a week.
2) In order to reduce the areas requiring sanitization, the following areas will have no access allowed; under
stage, kitchen, Sunday School cupboard.
3) There will be limited chairs and tables available to maintain social spacing and minimize the cleaning work
load post event.
4) There can be no shared food. It is considered safe practice to use individual plates only. The person/s
preparing must be gloved.
5) Clean up after the event of all surfaces must be to the government guidelines.
6) Toilets must also be cleaned after.
7) All bins emptied and placed in the skip.
Meeting Manager: Job scope (each person will shadow someone trained before taking the role).
● 4 people: G.Hockey/J.Welch, P.Goodrich, M.Stevens, B.Gloyn – will have Meeting Manager badge when on
● Sun 12:30pm / Wed 6:45pm: Open all doors in Zone 1. Make sure all but the main entrance are signed
‘Emergency Exit Only’. Open windows for ventilation and turn on air flow/heating. Must be air flow during
arrival of people and chorus time, this can be turned off during the meeting depending on environmental
● Sun 12:45pm / Wed 7:00pm: Audio Visual (AV) Techs arrive. Check live stream functioning. Note:- For benefit
of those online turn up ambience mics to 0dB, check roving mics x3 for Spiritual Gifts.
● Sun 12:45pm / Wed 7:00pm: Ushers arrive. Check ushers know their job and have badges. 4 in the foyer,
checking with everyone who enters. 4 Hall ushers who will seat people with 2 seats between family groups
and to encourage people to maintain social distancing. Please remember that a soft answer turns away
wrath. Smile and encourage people to follow the recommendations. If someone is unwell or has an unwell
household member, please request them to join the meeting in the safe environment of their home.
● Sun 1:00pm: Prayer time starts.
● Sun 1:15pm / Wed 7:15pm Band preparing to play: Drums, bass, 1 guitar, piano, 1-2 vocal, who need to
maintain social distancing.
● After the meeting: Count the tithes, then counters then need to wash their hands. Lock all doors and ensure
AV and Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) is all turned off.
● Run sheet listing shows names for:
o AV
o Closing prayer for prayer time
o Chorus leader
o Band members
o Opening prayer
o Speaker
o Communion
o Biscuit prayer
o Cup prayer
o Announcements
o Closing prayer
Message to be disseminated to everyone:
The hall will not be open until; Sun 1:00pm / Wed 7:00pm.
We ask that you do not arrive before this time to allow the Ushers time to set up.
We thank you for your cooperation in this challenging time.
We would love you to join us from home if you or anyone in your family is unwell.
If you would like more information please refer the full Operations Plan document
Visitation Guidelines
1) The safest interaction occurs over the phone, but as it’s not face to face human contact we encourage this to
happen as regularly as possible.
2) Paul the apostle 2000 years ago wrote, “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all of the flock, over
which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers, to feed the Church of God which is purchased with His own
blood.” (Acts 20:28)
3) The first D of DR.ABCD first aid common sense = Danger, to Yourself! Make sure you are safe.
4) If you need to visit someone as an Officer of the Church in the name of the fellowship, it is best for the
officer to visit rather than have others come to their house.
5) On the day of the planned visit, confirm that both you and your family are well to the people you are visiting
and before entering please confirm they are ok by asking ‘Are you well?’.
6) If possible it is preferable that you meet outside.
7) Maintain the social distancing during the visit and follow government health department advice
8) On entry and exit the officer must sanitize their hands, and upon leaving must remind the person visited to
cleanse the area they have used.
Further Discussion Points Raised
If we are restricted to public gathering of 100, advice TBA.
Communication Management downstream: Pastors/Ops Admin –> Area Leaders –> House Leaders + Saints.
Communication Management upstream: Saints –> House Leaders –> Officers –> Pastors/Ops Admin.
Area leaders are responsible for making sure everyone is informed.
House leaders are responsible for making sure everyone is supported.
Issues from Saints and House Leaders to escalate through the officers group.
House Leaders to be informed that nothing from the officers group is for distribution.
Information from Pastors/Ops Admin to be disseminated via the Area Leaders group directly to the Saints
Please be aware that teamwork and a well developed communication system between the oversight will allow us
to respond to the changing circumstances of this situation more rapidly, above all we are praying that the Lord
continues to keep his hand on us and uses us during these events as a testimony for Him.
Micah 6:8 King James Version (KJV)
8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to
walk humbly with thy God?
Romans 13 Amplified Bible (AMP)
1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God [granted by His permission
and sanction], and those which exist have been put in place by God. 2 Therefore whoever [ a ]resists [governmental] authority
resists the ordinance of God. And those who have resisted it will bring judgment (civil penalty) on themselves. 3 For [civil]
authorities are not a source of fear for [people of] good behavior, but for [those who do] evil. Do you want to be unafraid of
authority? Do what is good and you will receive approval and commendation. 4 For he is God’s servant to you for good. But if
you do wrong, [you should] be afraid; for he does not carry the [executioner’s] sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an
avenger who brings punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore one must be subject [to civil authorities], not only to escape the
punishment [that comes with wrongdoing], but also as a matter of principle [knowing what is right before God]. 6 For this same
reason you pay taxes, for civil authorities are God’s servants, devoting themselves to governance. 7 Pay to all what is due: tax to
whom tax is due, customs to whom customs, respect to whom respect, honor to whom honor.
We ask for anyone who visits another fellowship function, to follow the guidelines for that location. If you feel
there is something that could be done in a safer fashion, the recommendation is to quietly remove yourself from
the situation if you feel it is unsafe for you, and please inform your own local Pastor so that he can follow it up
through the appropriate channels.
God Bless